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Monday, October 22, 2012

The Right Time...The Right Place

My dear friend shared her testimony in church yesterday.  She talked about all those people who contributed to her faith journey from the time she was a small child until now.  She spoke to us about her first Sunday school teacher and parents.  She talked about preachers and those who have supported her throughout her walk.  I kept thinking as she shared her story...wow...God used all of those people.  Each one available at just the right time, saying just the right thing to till and plant and water the garden of her heart. 

Would you take a moment to think of those who have contributed to your journey.  Can you look back even in tough times and see God's hand?  Who was it that God used at just the right time...in just the right place?

Those are the people I want to be like.  What do they have in common?  They were available.  Throughout the scriptures you see them.  Moses available to take a look at a burning bush...Esther available to become a queen...Mary available to bring the Savior into the world.  Oh, I am sure each had some special qualities, talents, abilities.  Then again so do we.  Each of us given according to God's purpose.

Life for them was not much different than ours really.  They had to do lists, dinners to make, children to care for.  Just like us they cleaned their homes, washed clothes, worked, and paid bills.  I doubt any were just waiting around with nothing to do and hoping something big would come along.  They were just ordinary people.  Yet, they were available to be used by the One who makes the ordinary...extraordinary!

The words from Mordecai to Esther ring true...

"And who knows but that you have come to your
royal position for such a time as this?"--Esther 4: 14