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Monday, February 4, 2013

A Lesson in the Gift

It is a few days before school starts and I sit on the porch on a quiet weekend get away.  I look out into the open field, sun rising...and wonder with a little panic.

"Have I taught her all that she needs to know?"

My oldest, this is her senior year...and my emotions run high.  And the thought it grips my heart at the strangest times.  That August I walked into a book store and bought a bible, that will soon be hers, because that is where she will find all she really needs to know.  I take notes and jot things down in the margins...probably more therapy for me than anything else.  Letting go is a hard thing.

It is February and she has applied to colleges and decided on a path that she thinks fits.  We sit waiting for an interview for a scholarship that will open many doors and I ask...

"Are you nervous?"

She grins and tilts her head up..."I am working really hard at being myself and leaving all of this in God's hands."

They call her name and she disappears behind closed doors.  Tears well because I am pretty sure I just received a teaching and gift all at the same time.  The reality is we will never be able to teach them all they need to know but we can work really hard at being ourselves and leaving the rest in God's hands.