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Monday, August 12, 2013

Message between the notes...part 2

It is not often someone does a back handspring in worship.  In fact, I am pretty sure I have not seen it before.  The Custer Road Choir led us with flips and splits...horns and rhythm...speakers and singers. 
One hundred youth using their gifts to glorify God.

Last night one hundred people gathered to complete a ministry that has raised some $50,000 dollars for mosquito nets.  Not a ministry led by adults but by one teen inspired in a biology class to do something about malaria.  That teenager he inspired other teens and together using their gifts they have made a lasting impact on families all over the world...on me.

I read a quote from C.S. Lewis recently

"It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak."

Could it be that the experience of life limits what we believe God can do in and though us?  Is it possible that we allow fear to restrain the faith we bring to Jesus?

Have a conversation with a teenager and you will notice they do not live in this world of restraint.  Ask them to flip in worship...they will.  Ask them to play a horn or say some lines or sing a solo even though their voice is changing...they will. 

When they set goals they are strong with no thought to what we consider "realistic".  I would have never believed a small group of teens would raise enough money to send 5000 nets to Africa and impact some 20,000 lives. 

These thoughts have pushed me to look beyond what I see on the surface of my children.  Maybe there are gifts I have not considered to be gifts.  Things they can use to glorify God in ways I have never imagined. 

And so I ask you...

what do you see in your child that could be a gift...a way to lead...to glorify God...to point others to Jesus? 

I find myself asking God to open my eyes to their gifts and that I would not get in the way of what God is doing in them and through them.