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Monday, March 25, 2013

Chapel Chatter: Teaching the Teacher

We wave palm branches and tell of Jesus' triumphant entry into the city.  How it could have been like a parade.  I ask them to repeat after me...Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!".  The little one with the big bow says "Ho..saaannnn...uh" in the cutest accent ever!

Today I share the story of Holy Week through Peter's point of view.  We get to the part when Jesus is left alone in the garden because all the disciples ran away.  They were afraid.  That's when she says it,

"I would not leave Jesus all alone 'cause I'm bwave."

I look her way and grin because she is telling the truth.  No doubt about what she would do.  She would not leave Jesus.  I wonder how old you are when you realize that it is easier to be afraid then brave?  How much life experience before you would be just like Peter...not one ounce of courage left?

I tell the story again to the little ones who are four.  The brown haired boy hangs on every word.  Eyes wide and head nodding as he listens,  though he has heard the story many times before today.

The kids line up for their Easter treat and the same little boy shouts as he turns and walks away..."I love you so much!"  My heart melts right into a puddle.

These are the lessons I plan to take with me throughout Holy Week.

1.  Be bwave (brave) in the face of fear...do not leave Jesus.
2.  Hang on every word of this story you have heard your entire life.
3.  Tell others you love them so much!

May your Holy Week be blessed as we approach Good Friday always remembering that Sunday is coming!