Last night I went to two worship services. Though the delivery was different the message was clear. When we realize that God is calling...that we are set apart...there will be obstacles.
Do you remember in the movie Finding Nemo when the pelican flies to the window to tell Nemo that his dad has traveled across the ocean to find him? The pelican lists off all the heroic measures Nemo's father had taken just to get to him. He faced the sharks, and dark waters, not to mention the jellyfish jungle. The father came up against many obstacles along the way.
Even the simplest things in our lives can be littered with obstacles that keep us from living a "set apart" life. The truth is we do not have the power within ourselves to overcome those things that are in our way.
But God does...and he will literally move mountains for us. In fact the most heroic measure ever taken by a father can be found on a cross. In that one moment all obstacles that ever were and ever will be were overcome...making a way for us to be in His presence.
Being at camp sets us apart from the world for a while. It removes the obstacles in our daily lives that get in the way of being in God's presence.
As we lay down our heads for another night of sleep...I whisper a prayer for those here with me
Lord, our time here is drawing shorter. I ask that you would remove the obstacles in our lives that keep us from you. Help us to realize that living a "set apart" life is about living in your presence in this moment...right now. Touch each one of us that we might never be the same.
.....lights out