I love to watch kids play tag. The energy they have to stay far away from the child who is "it". The way they laugh when they get away...and frown when they get tagged. If only we adults could bottle that stuff up.
When I think about Jonah it reminds me of this game. Kids love this story...I love this story. Imagine it...Jonah going about his daily life when God says, "Jonah, go to Nineveh". Tag you're it! The thing is Nineveh was the last place Jonah would ever want to go. These were a very bad people and frankly, Jonah did not even want them to be saved.
I'm not that different from Jonah at times even though it is hard to admit it. There are those who hurt us...those who are just plain mean...those who are hard to love. Ninevites in the land I live in, in my community and neighborhood...and even my house at times.
I hear her talking in the playhouse. Telling about her frustration with another. "Shh" she says, "here comes Mrs. Stacy."
We cross paths later and I ask, "Hey, do you remember what Jesus said the greatest commandment is?" It is not a trick question...I know she knows the answer. It is the one thing we teach over and over and over. She skips to the last part..."love your neighbor". I tell her that this loving your neighbor thing is hard. Jesus never said it would be easy. She tilts her head to one side with the old "you've told me this before" look, and I wonder if she gets it. I wonder if I get it.
I believe God tags us each and every day with an opportunity to love Him...to love others. There are times we are like Jonah and we run for dear life. The things is God never leaves it at that. He just keeps chasing us...giving us opportunities to love others through Him. We will challenge the kids this Wednesday to tag others with God's love...maybe we should take the challenge as well.