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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Best News Ever!

He wants to know if I have any sticky notes, and as we walk to the office to get a few for him he says,

"Mrs. Stacy, I got saved this weekend".

It happens every once in a while. A mini-Methodist comes to me, tells me about their baptism or decision to follow Christ. To say my heart jumps out of my chest is an understatement. Our conversation continues and I ask, "what does it mean, you got saved?" Because I want to know what he thinks and what he's learning.

"It means, I made a decision to follow Jesus and accept that He died for me on the cross."

A grin covers his face, and I can literally see the joy.

"This is the BEST NEWS EVER!!!"

It is you know. I could shout it from the top of the church steeple.

"Hey world, did you hear that? My friend decided to follow Jesus! Its the best news ever!"

This is the reason we gather kids up from the community, every color, race, creed, and denomination. This is the reason we teach bible and serve snacks and give prizes. We do it because maybe... just maybe... somewhere in this small town in one of our churches a kid in our program chooses to follow Jesus.

Amen... and amen!