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Monday, April 8, 2013

Shuffling Life

We are getting ready to go this morning and I need to fix my lunch for the day.  Slowly I put things together...shifting eggs to find turkey...moving mystery things wrapped in foil to find the cheese.  Lunch is set and I think about dinner.  I reach down to get the crock pot and it doesn't seem to be in its normal place.  I peer into the lower cabinet and shuffle things around to get to the one thing I need.

I literally mutter to myself..."If you would organize your cabinets, you could get to the things that you use all the time."  A grin spreads wide on my face as I push that organizational urge back down.  Really who has time to organize cabinets?

Walking to the laundry room, I realize this might just turn into a life lesson.  Isn't that what I often find myself doing...shuffling things to get to the things I need.  And isn't there only one thing that is really needed? 

If I took an honest look at the contents of that cabinet, there would be only a few things that I actually use on a regular basis.  Instead the space is filled with things I just cannot let go of or give away.  Items that I might use someday.  Small appliances I thought would be so useful...but who wants to clean them?  One entire section is full of stuff others thought I needed...and let's not forget those that do not even belong in the cabinet...but I put them there because company was coming over.

You may be laughing at this point because I am sure there are others that have this cabinet in their home.  Or the drawer that catches everything?  I could go on and tell you that many of the cabinets in my home are like this...and the drawers...and the chests...but you might think I have a problem. 

These days my life seems a lot like my cabinets.  I shuffle stuff around each day to get to the one thing I need.  We have to face it, there are seasons in our lives that are like this.  For me it usually falls in the spring.  Three kids playing on three different ball teams, and the one who added golf to the mix, add this to the homework, the house cleaning, and the activities of a graduating senior, and suddenly I find myself peeking into the cabinet of my day to see what is most important, what I could throw or give away...what thing is not useful anymore.  I take a look and wonder if that thing someone gave me needs to be stored for later...is there something I have tucked away because I don't want anyone to see it?

Today I could go home and organize that cabinet.  I could work to reorganize this season of my life.   The thing I have figured out is that the more I attempt to put everything in its rightful place and plan the week from beginning to end, the more I am reminded that I am not in control!

Remember the story of Martha and Mary?  Martha opened her home for Jesus.  She made the food, cleaned the house, served the meal.  All the while Mary, her sister, sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to him.  Which are you in the story?  Me, I am both! 

Each day is filled with opportunities to serve like Martha and listen like Mary.  There are times to work...times to sit and be in His presence.  I am sure of one thing...the one thing needed...the one thing that should have it's place in the cabinet...front and center.  The item that I am determined to never shuffle to the back.  His name...Jesus.

"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed--or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen the better, and it will not be taken away from her."--Luke 10: 41-42