At that time in my life...accepting that God loved me in spite of me was a concept I could not grasp. I was constantly striving to be "good" enough to earn His love. I had a long list of things that might qualify me for acceptance like going to church, reading my bible, praying a lot, and helping those in need. The things is, even when I did these things, I still didn't feel like I measured up or was worthy of God's love.
The question in today's study..."when did you first realize God loves girls who limp?" For me this was not one of those mountain top moments. The acceptance that God loves came from months of saying one bible verse over and over...
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.--2 Cor. 5: 21
There is wisdom in the saying "fake it 'till you make it". Planting that very word in my heart opened the door to believing that God's love for me was real even if I limped most of the time. Last week I challenged you to begin making God's word priority in your life. That if you would lead in this way your children would follow.
I believe memorizing scripture is one of the ways we can do this. Over the years I have used many methods to help me memorize.
I have...written it on my mirror to read as I get ready in the morning...put it on note cards and placed them in places like my car or purse...I have even asked my kids to quiz me as we drive to school. This year I ran across an app that I absolutely love. Three cheers for the person that created this one! You just type in the verse you want to learn and it quizzes you and hides certain words and pretty soon you know it by heart.
How could this get any easier? So pick a verse and get going right here at Scripture Typer. Even the smallest one in your house will like this.