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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Scattering Seeds!

If you asked me to describe a Wednesday at mini-Methodists I would tell you about the rowdy, noisy feet that file in from schools all over town... and the pile of backpacks stacked on pews. I'd tell you of the smiling faces headed towards the snack line and looking for letters to try to figure out the word for the day.

There's groups playing all types of games outside from soccer, to basketball and gaga ball. Kids running and laughing and chalking up our sidewalks. I might tell you of the skinned knees and knuckles... of band-aids and big eyed tears. You'll see children as tall as me and ones that barely reach my knees... all ages and races and creeds. There are days when all goes well and others where the time-out chair seems full. We rejoice... we throw fits... we sew and learn and love.

If you're watching for the first time these are the things you would see. It might seem chaotic or even a little crazy. And I haven't even mentioned the pick-up line which stretches around to the back of the building as we send the children on home. The "big" people who serve, drive, teach often leave all worn out... giving all to this community of children.

I'm scrolling through Facebook in the evening when this comes across my news feed.

Do you see the answer my little friend wrote to the first question? Throughout the years we've had this ministry, I hold one purpose or mission above all else. We do Wednesdays to give kids an opportunity to build a relationship with God and others. It's like scattering seeds to the wind. Most days you have no idea where they land or if roots are growing.

That's what scattering seeds is all about. We plant God's word right into the hearts of each and every child who comes through the doors. Most of the time we don't know what kind of soil those seeds land in... whether they have taken root. But every once in a while when you're not expecting it you'll recognize a seed planted.  It can be overwhelming to think about the impact of scattering seeds.  I believe Isaiah's word is true... not one seed will go missing... each will return having accomplished just what God has purposed it to do.
As the rain and the snow
    come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
    without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
    so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,

so is my word that goes out from my mouth:

    It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
    and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
This is what "go make disciples" is all about... scattering seed... watering with love and trusting God to do the rest.